
17 January 2010


Two quick things...

Cap-Haitien has announced a "Month of Mourning" closing down schools and all "extras." Therefore, we're sending the guys here home tomorrow and notifying the rest by phone as possible. Please be praying for them as they go out to be His hands and feet to their people during this time.

Matt will be leaving in the morning for the Dominican Republic. He'll be taking one of the mission's large trucks to Santiago for fuel, medical supplies and food to then be taken to Port-au-Prince on Wednesday or Thursday. This will be a two day trip, and we want to ask for your prayers for safe travel and that they would be able to find everything that they need and get through the border quickly and efficiently. Please pray for Lily and I as we help close down the school, send the guys home, and continue to help cook for the visiting professors.

Please also be praying for Lily and I while we spend time in Sakenville. Our neighbor told us today that when the earthquake was taking place, the witchdoctor right next to the compound cried out loudly, "Jesus! Save me!" This is a time when ALL are declaring that He is the only one that saves, and so many are seeking Peace and Help and Truth during this time...what an awesome platform for Evangelism! With the Seminary closed, we'll have some significant time these next days to talk to the hurting and seeking about our Healer and Peace.

THANK YOU for your prayers....we love you!

1 comment:

  1. God is truly AWESOME! Who would have thought such an unbelievable disaster could really be an amazing blessing in disguise! The earthquake not only brought down human-built "strongholds" (government buildings, etc.), but even more importantly, God appears to be breaking down major spiritual enemy strongholds that have bound Haiti since its beginnings! Helps the rest of us focus our prayers more effectively. Thank you so much for sharing these encouraging stories!
    -- Linda Merz (Marilyn Shaferly's sister & several-time visitor to Haiti)
