
18 January 2010

Stacey and Matt currently have no email or phone service, so she asked me (Lisa) to update you on how things went today.

Matt arrived safely in the Dominican and fortunately they were able to get an entire truckload full of medical supplies, food, and fuel. They dropped the supplies off at the border where it will be taken straight to Port au Prince tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, they are spending the night near the border so that they can re-stock their truck in the morning and return to Cap Haitien, hopefully by tomorrow evening. These supplies will be taken to Port au Prince as soon as possible.

Stacey and Lily are doing fine... Lily is obliviously going about her daily activities, which today included falling head first into the dryer while attempting to pull out the clothes!

Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Thanks for the update Lisa, I appreciate it!

    Lori Smith

  2. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,
    Every ounce of news helps our hope and prayers.
    In His Love,
