
15 January 2010

Our field leader returned today from Port-au-Prince, and stopped here on his way back to OMS’s main compound. He had with him several women who had been working on relief efforts but whose necessary medication was dwindling. Hoping they can get out through Cap-Haitien tomorrow.

Meanwhile, today the last gas stations closed in Northern Haiti, out of fuel. We fueled up the truck yesterday, and Matt is currently making trips from here to Cap-Haitien with as many students and staff members as possible so at least they can be home and in communication (for many, the FIRST) with their families. This also means we cannot get more fuel for the generator (which powers everything and gives us water), so it is best to get the students all to their homes and run on as little as we can here.

Our field leader said that OMS’s guest house in PAP is still standing, though the wall around it is down. Next to it is an Adventist College, which is largely down but has a large yard. He told us that literally hundreds, thousands of people are living and sleeping in that yard, and that they have dwindling clean water, many injuries, and almost no food.

Tomorrow this truck, Lord willing, will take supplies to the Villa and distribute them to these people in this yard.

There is a supposed great need for translators for the UN medical efforts in Port-au-Prince. We are waiting to hear more about this, as that this is a service Matt and several others could provide. He also told us that there are many, many people leaving PAP on foot, heading throughout Haiti to find cousins or family or friends that could take them in. Already today we are seeing many busses full of people coming from Port.

The phones are still down, though somehow my dad got through for the first time for a few precious minutes this afternoon.

The inability to communicate, on top of everything else, is just overwhelming. SO MANY PEOPLE could know if friends or family were alive or dead or safe or in need if they could JUST CALL. SO MANY PEOPLE could send help if people could communicate what is needed and where. Please continue to pray that the internet/phone systems would get back up.

We are in the midst of a great mission field, family.

We are continuing to do all we can do where we are, right on the road between Port and Cap-Haitien, and we don’t know what the coming days could hold. Please pray for fuel, as that without it, Port will not be the only city in major shut-down.

Our field leader went looking for the Bensons, but said their entire road, their entire area, was so entirely unrecognizable that he didn’t even know where to begin. Please continue to pray for Greg and Cathie Benson, and Christian Service International as they have no guest house, no orphanage, 20 orphans, but a clinic that is miraculously still standing, and I’m sure, working overtime. Knowing that we could help them, that we could help so many of our brothers and sisters in Port and not being able to is just excruciating. …we know you understand.

We are seeing and hearing and experiencing more than we can emotionally handle. Please keep letting us know of your prayers and hopes that the Lord is giving you and of your love and desire to help and pray, and we would be blessed to not receive any more horrific photos or overwhelming statistics. We are very aware, and are hearing and seeing, and will be hearing and seeing, more than we handle, as is.

Our students and, well, everyone we meet, actually, continue to speak of this as the judgement of the Lord on their people who have had hard heads and hard hearts and served other Gods and lived wicked lives. They continue to cry out for undeserved mercy on behalf of their people.

This morning, just desperate for a tiny sliver of peace in the midst of heart sickness and overwhelmed tears, I opened to Jeremiah, and grew more and more full of doom reading through chapters 24,25,26, reading about the Lord's great anger.

"Again and again the Lord has sent you his servants, but you would listen or even pay attention. Each time the message was this 'Turn from the evil road you are traveling and from the evil things you are doing. Only then will I let you live in this land. Do not provoke my anger by worshipping others.'

'But you would not listen to me,' says the Lord. 'Because you have not listened to me, I will...bring all your enemies against your land, I will completely destroy you, I will make you an object of horror, I will take away your happy singing and laughter, your millstones will fall silent, the lights in your homes will go out...."

The horrific descriptions of what the Lord will allow because of their unfaithfulness makes you shudder...Just as the news and the photos of what is now LIFE in Haiti make us shudder. "Lord, have mercy" I have begged many times these last days, and praise the Lord, He kept me reading.

Chapter 31. Read it. I pray it gives you the comfort it gave me in the face of the death many are experiencing but ALL have deserved, me most of all.

"I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.

With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

I will rebuild you, my people.

You will again be happy and dance merrily with your tambourines.

Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care.

They will walk beside quiet streams and on smooth paths where they will not stumble.

Listen to this message from the Lord, you nations of the world; proclaim it in distant coastlands:

The Lord, who scattered his people,

will gather them and watch over them

as a shepherd does his flock.

I will turn their mourning into joy.

I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing."

STANDING on the Word of the LORD which is FOREVER. All men, like grass. Each breath, like the fading flower. What an easy time to remember. But His Word is forever, and it promises to bring us in with joy.

Until that day, I find myself smiling at the knowledge that so many of His faithful children are being led by those bubbling brooks and green clean pastures, full and whole and overwhelmed by the joy of His presence even now.


  1. We are praying for you ...and with you! Be safe! Be blessed! And know that you are being covered in prayer by so many!

  2. Thank you so much for your updates. We continue to pray without ceasing for you and for Haiti as a whole. Stay strong in His Word. Put on the armor of God and you will be rejoicing again. His plans are perfect, even if we can't understand them. I know that He can work this tragedy for good. It is time for a God show and He will deliver! In Christ,
    friends from New Bedford Presbyterian Church in PA

  3. HI Stacey,

    My name is Yvette Oren, my husband is the CSI mimistries, Exective Director. I have enjoyed your blog for a while now. I have always wondered if you knew the Benson's and other CSI missionaries. I was checking on you guys to make sure you where ok and glad to see that everyone is. Praise the Lord!
    Greg and Cathie are very busy, but well. We had two mission teams in when the earthquake hit and today the Greg and some others took the to the teams to the DR. The teams are well and get on a plane tomoroow morning. We feel so blessed that all of our missionaries, the girls, teams and staff have not been hurt.
    Facebook has been amazing! That is how we have been able to stay in touch with the missionaries right after the earthquake. We have sent our Haiti International Director, translater, and a structural engenieer with supplies. They where able to land at PAP and at 2:30 this afternoon made it to Criox-des-Bouquets.
    ABC news with Diane Sawyer, interviewed Toby and the Orphanage. I just saw Greg, Tim, the Andersons and the girls. They look really well for all that is going on. The girls where singing a song for Diane.:) Greg has been busy! On thier street out side the guest house about 500 people sleep at night. He said you can hear singing and praying through out the night.
    Here is my email address just incase you have any questions or need further info.
    So thankful to see that your family is okay! My heart would have dropped as well if my kids were not with me too! Praying for you and all of Haiti.
    God Bless,

  4. Matt & Stacey - thank you for the updates... know that you're all in our prayers & thoughts every hour. Please tell Jerry that we're praying for him as well - Gordon & Doreen too. Especially little Lily. May God's hand be on you all as you seek out ways to minister to His people in this time. David & Ann

  5. We attend Cornerstone and have been able to hear the stories that you and Matt have told in the past. Knowing the need that Haiti had prior to this tragedy, it is hard to imagine the desperation and the destruction that these people are in the midst of. We are thinking of all of you; we pray for these days to be behind you quickly and for peace and restoration to begin right away. All of the world has its eyes and hearts pointed towards Haiti and all of us feel helpless and so we do all we can; give what we are able and PRAY. Stay strong and be a light to those in the true darkness.

  6. Matt and Stacey, Please know we are are praying for you. I wish I could do more. Bryan Hawkins Salem Il

  7. Matt, Stacey and Lilly,

    CNN is really covering the brutal trials of Haiti. I have never seen tv cover such cruelty that nature can expend on man kind. I believe that this in a way is Gods hand telling the world, "look at what I can do! Open your eyes, you blind and uncaring people. As you said earlier, many of the Haitian people will have the scales of blindness removed, and their unhearing ears unstopped. When all is said and done, think of all those that will drop to their knees and and begin to pray to God and not their voo-doo idols. And as you help comfort those that you can now, remember, a seed that is burried in the ground must split apart before its root can reach deep into the ground and become a new plant. You may be seeing the shattered shells today,but eventually you will see a field rich in plants ready to be harvested for the Lord. Have faith during these trying times and remember that from death comes life, our brother Jesus Christ showed us that. God Bless.

  8. May you be strong and courageous. May you not be afraid or discouraged because of the obstacles and spiritual warfare confronting you (and the precious people of Haiti)...attempting to destroy you, for there is a greater power with you than with any force opposing you. With you is the Lord your God to help you and to fight your battles. May you gain confidence in this truth. (2 Chr. 32:7-8)

    Praying blessings over you, your family, your people there in Haiti.

    We love you guys so much. Our hearts cry out to our God for peace today.

    Jennifer Billingsley

  9. we're home -partly glad, partly wishingwewere there with you. Praying! esp for Bensons.Love you,Mishlers
