
01 September 2009

meetings, rain and holiness

This is a week of meetings! Yesterday we had our "new school year" staff meeting, which went wonderfully! Again and again over the past two years we have praised the Lord for a Godly, sincere, trustworthy, responsible, motivated, encouraging, loving, bold staff at Emmaus Biblical Seminary. Monday was no exception, as we all prayed together, shared ideas, hopes and prayers for the new year and enjoyed being family!

Then yesterday afternoon, as we worked at the school to prepare for orientation Monday, a HUGE rain storm came up, the first real rain we've seen since being in the States this summer! We waited and waited for it to stop, finally borrowed an umbrella, which proved quickly to be quite broken, and ran for it. Lily laughed and laughed, deep belly laughs, the whole rainy run. We were entirely soaked by the time we got home, but it was a sweet family moment, celebrating God's refreshing rain and the gift He's given us in Lily...who will be 8 months old tomorrow!

Tomorrow begins three days of "Annual Field Council", a series of meetings within OMS which will include updates, elections, ministry plans, vision development, job assignments, budgets, etc...In our experience, this has always been a very full few days. Please pray for each missionary and national worker as we seek to grow in His will and to be entirely individuals, as families, as ministries, as an organization and as Christians.

But like the Holy One who called you,
be holy yourselves in all your behavior;
because it is written,
You shall be holy, as I am holy.

If you address as Father
the One who judges according to each one's work,
conduct yourselves in fear
during the time of your stay on earth;

Knowing that you were NOT redeemed
with perishable things like silver or gold
from your futile way of life,
but with PRECIOUS blood,
as of a lamb unblemished and spotless:
the blood of Christ!

1 Peter 1:15-19


  1. May the rain refresh you and may His reign support and give you strength during these days of meetings.

    Love you and praying for you!


  2. Stacey, thanks for sharing that moment of family fun with little soaked Lily and her belly laughs.

    Praying for good meetings

    Claude Beachy

  3. May the rain refresh you and may His reign support and give you strength during these days of meetings.

    Love you and praying for you!

    In His Love,

    (I loved what Lori said so much and as it is the same from my heart, I thought is was worth repeating!!

  4. I don't know if we should ever let Lori and Charlie meet - together they make quite an Ayars fan club! Which is actually a pretty neat thing. Sharon
