
15 May 2008

change in plans

We've had a rather disappointing day. We went to the airport first thing for Stacey's flight, only to find out 1) that the plane was "broken" and not coming, and 2) that there were NO OTHER FLIGHTS leaving Cap-Haitien for America today. None.

So I didn't get to Florida, didn't make my Florida to Philly flight, and didn't make it to be with my sister.

Tomorrow morning they "hope" the plane will be fixed, and I bought new tickets to get from Florida to Philly hopefully tomorrow night. Please be praying that this works out tomorrow.

Meanwhile, we made it to the Seminary soccer match with Josh and Don...Our guys won, and were SO excited.

Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2008

    I am so sorry things did not work out yesterday, and I am praying planes are fixed and you can be on your way today! I know you were greatly disappointed!

    Love you Lori
