
18 May 2008

enjoying America...

My camera cord is in Haiti, so there won't be any pictures for a few days, but I am safely in Ohio! I finally, after several more changes and delays, arrived in Philly at 10 pm on Friday night. On 10 am Saturday morning, I sat with my aunt, grandfathers, grandmothers and dad to watch Lisa graduate from Messiah Collge in Pennsylvania. It was WONDERFUL to be there and to have this precious time with my family (and to eat good food afterwards!) Last night, we arrived home in Columbus, Ohio around midnight.

It was a huge blessing to sleep in my own bed (no mosquito net and fan necessary!) and to see our dear cat again...we've missed Amelie!

Dad and my sister and I went out for breakfast this morning at 8 am, and she is now off on a graduation celebration cruise with some of her roommates! Dad and I spent the day enjoying America! We went to Meijer's and got watermelon, cherries, strawberries...pickles, balsamic vinagrette, milk! It was a little overwhelming to stand before every imaginagble food in the world after having only 20-30 options at all times in Haiti. It was even more overwhelming to realize that those 20-30 options were already way more options than almost all of our Haitian brothers and sisters have.

We are currently workin on our June newsletter, and then dad is going to take me out for dinner: such a special treat.

Being here has been quite surreal after nine months in such a very different country. I need more time to process :)

Matt, meanwhile, preached at a small Haitian church this morning, and is continuing to enjoy our visitiors from New Jersey, Josh and Don. He's getting ready for final exams in Hebrew, and wishing very much he could have been here for graduation, for time with family, and with ice cream :(

SOON! I return to Haiti Tuesday morning, but in 4 weeks we will be coming home for a longer visit...June 19th-July 15th (check sidebar for details).

Thank you for your prayers while I travelled, and for your prayers that the Lord would continue to sustain us in such a truly difficult country!

great photos coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 04, 2008 were a mile from our house...a mile! oh how i wish we could've been home to show you around.:0) maybe someday...
