"The pot will not say to the potter, 'Why did you make me like this,' will it? Does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same wet lump of clay one vessel for honorable use and another vessel for common use?...As He says also in Hosea, 'I will call those who were not my people, MY PEOPLE, and her who was not beloved, BELOVED, and it shall be that in the place where it was said to them 'you are NOT my people,', there they shall be called SONS of the living God...
He who believes in Him will NOT be disappointed." Romans 9
On Saturday we travelled with another family to a village where they make pottery. In awe we all watched an old muddied man pull and shift and shape wet clay, swiftly forming it into various vessels, skilled from obvious years of work bent over the same pottery wheel. What an awesome image it gave us again of our Lord shaping us even now...pulling and forming and shifting us into a vessel that brings Him glory.
What great dripping hope we have...that these people may be HIS people, that these unloved and broken may be HIS beloved, and that these homeless might be sons and daughters of the LIVING God.
This belief we have in Him, this confidence in Him which allows us to allow Him to mold our lives, has yet to leave us disappointed...The blessing of our lives is simply to be HIS.
If you're not there yet, know that our hearts desire and daily prayer is for you to know that you're in His hands...and always have been. We want to give you such good news.. The living God greatly desires to love you and mold you and shape your life into something beautiful! We love you and won't stop praying that you might seek the One who has never stopped seeking you.
Class starts again on Wednesday! Thanks for your prayers as we finish our last four 2-week sessions!
I know that I am often a mouthy piece of pottery! Thanks for the reminder especially when I feel the pressure of His hand on my heart.
ReplyDeleteI continue to pray for you as you stare at me each minute of everyday, clinging to my computer screen!
In His Love,