We have arrived back home from Port-au-Prince safely, by His grace. We got done what we needed to get done at the Immigration office in record time, especially for 10 people, and made it back into Cap-Haitien around 6 last night. Our luggage didn't make it, but we got it this afternoon, so, not too bad!
We hadn't realized just how different Port and Cap are until this past trip. Because all of our first experiences in Haiti were in Port-au-Prince, that was naturally the Haiti we were used to. Now that we've been in Cap-Haitien for a while, we were really surprised by how much more advanced Port was, and by how CROWDED it was. It is truly a booming city, and there is obviously a LOT more money circulating in Haiti's capital than there is all the way up North here. The road conditions were SO very different, as you can see in these pictures...nice paved roads!
Despite paved roads and ice cream in PAP, we are glad to be home, and thankful for where the Lord has put us. We are constantly being reminded that the Lord doesn't NEED us here at all, but are thankful that He chooses to use us!
Today Matt worked on lesson planning for his upcoming Intro to Old Testament class, and I worked on lesson planning for our upcoming unit on space travel. Yes, space travel. This will be interesting. I'm learning quite a bit myself, and it will be interesting to see what the guys think.
We also learned today that one of our pastors, one of our supporters, and one of our family friends are all coming in the next 2 months...God is doing so much here, and we can't wait to share it with them! We're taking this opportunity to let you each know that we would ALWAYS love to have you! God has worked in our lives and shown Himself to us in so many ways through short-term missions. If you would ever like to come to Haiti, you are always invited! We've got a bed and some rice and beans waiting for you!
I am also glad God placed you where He has and that, Lord willing, we will be able to serve Him together in reaching and equipping Haitians "up north".
ReplyDeleteYou are in our prayers, still....
Love, Charlie