Since finishing language school and coming home to prepare for our move to Haiti in August, we are struck with the reality of how soon we are leaving! Last evening, we sat on the back porch of Stacey's Dad's house, enjoying dinner and the overwhelming beauty and peace that came with the quite back yard, soft chirping, fresh air, the sweet smell of grass newly cut. With ideas, thoughts, to-do's, dreams, and fears of the future swirling, we were blessed by 2 basic truths. One, that HE IS. He is the founder of this calling on our lives, and He is the perfector of our faith. He is the provider for our future and He is the God of the promises we stand upon. Second, we realize that this time, these next three months, has been set apart to deepen our roots. Yes, this is a time to deepen our family roots, the roots of our friendships. It is a time to deepen the roots of our marriage, of our values, of our dreams. But most of all, this is a time to deepen the roots of our individual walk with Him. Every moment, every opportunity, every move...provided as a time to deepen our roots with our God. How strongly we wish to know Him well! Prayers for us all today as we find ourselves standing in the midst of a day, a year, an age set apart for a deeper relationship with Him.
Do we have a clarification on the Mailing issue? Also, I am über-sad that I missed you guys at church yesterday. Hopefully, I will see you guys again before you leave.