
07 November 2023

salt and light

Matt and Lily have been having the trip of a lifetime in the Czech Republic.  It's a gorgeous country, they have seen some incredible places and had great food, but the highlight for both of them has been time with the believers they went to encourage. With the large majority of the population being agnostic or atheist, the days they spent meeting with believers--teaching classes in a Bible school to college-age students and several studies at several different churches--was by far the sweetest part.  They head home tomorrow and I can't WAIT to hear more!

Meanwhile, Sharon came Saturday and has spent a few short and sweet days with the six kiddos and I, and I have been so grateful...not just for her mighty help, but for her friendship, and beautiful relationship with each of our kiddos. I love watching Nora snuggle her trustingly, the tweens and Ben all talk her ear off, and see them each pick up right where they left off. Sharon and her family sure are grace to ours. 

Thank you for praying for us while Matt is gone and as we dig into His resilience this season!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful Sharon could come!
