
10 October 2023

lacking in nothing

My senior year in high school, we had to memorize the book of James. 

The book. All five chapters. Felt impossible, seemed ridiculous hard, and by the end of the year we were taking our hours long final exam, writing it out word for word, and it was hiding in our hearts whether we wanted it to or not.

So every October when James comes up in my Bible reading plan, reading it through and picking it apart also brings up so many memories from that year and what those words from James meant to me then...and how I read it now. His Word hasn't changed, but I sure have.

It was still what I needed today, in two ways. 

Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be complete, lacking in nothing. 

I don't know about you, but the trials of various kinds and the testing my faith often undergoes seems to produce chaos...not steadfastness.  One, they continue to be a struggle to count joy.  Two, they threaten to overcome me with fear or panic or frustration or despair...worldly products. Three, our culture is obsessed with our lack...constantly nudging at what we need, what we should want, how we don't measure up, all that is needed...while steeping in steadfastness renders us complete, lacking in nothing.

Our God is steadfast, and so His Steadfastness is available to me, supernaturally. I can be steadfast, deeply rooted in Him, strong, so that the testing and trials produces me more stead and unwavering. In trials, I can be lacking nothing, full of His steadfast love and growing in it myself.

It also bore in today regarding my children, whom I battle off trials and tribulations for with all I'm worth. 

I was 18 when I memorized those words, and yet for my 14 and 13 and 12 and 11 and 8 and 5 and 1 year old, I would like shield all the trials and absorb all the steadfast. I don't want THEM to meet trials of various kinds, and when they do, I surely don't consider it all joy!

It occurred to me re-reading James today that when I fight  to guard them from all trials and suffering, when I bend over backwards to eliminate their testing, I am also diminishing His steady production of steadfastness in them, their opportunity to find in Him that they are lacking nothing. 

IF James was true and good for me at 18 and is true and good for me now, it is TRUE and GOOD for my children. 

Just reading His Word settles steadfastness in me, the whispers of the world returned to foolishness. 

If your life's been looking more chicken-with-the-head-cut-off than steadfast lately, join me in James with a bit of courage. 


  1. Thanks for talking me down from my own unsteadfastness!! -RS
