
28 September 2023


This week has been full of so many hard little things! Some hard conversations. Some wearying battles. Lots of spills, coughs finally drying up, lots of messes and squabbles and the little losses and disappointments that make up life. Growing concerns and hardships in Haiti. Two girls who are trying to hard to redeem, or at least disguise, their stories. Trying to help Matt carry a heavy plate. 

I was reminded this evening on date night with Ben - a gift I didn't feel like we had time for - that life is full of so many sweet little things, too. Boy wanted to pump gas and eat Chik-fil-a with unwavering one-on-one attention, and it filled me up. Matt turns 40 tomorrow and 20 of it's been with me, and I'm grateful. Gaga and Sofie started a new book today, Emma is constantly hilarious and adorable (and trouble!). A friend met us at the playground with iced coffee, Sofie nailed a few jumps she's been dying to master, a neighbor popping in to help Lily with geometric proofs (I'm sorry. We tried.) Good car time with girls who love to run, even if I don't know why. Good words from His Good Word. Nora and her bestie investing in walkie talkies.  They're driving us insane. But they've also never been so happy. 

We give thanks, for Your name is near. 

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