
23 November 2021


We are on the road, driving up to Ohio for Thanksgiving where lots of the White/Lind/Haren family are gathering in the frozen tundra. Mama is not ready for below freezing Thanksgiving! The kids are beyond excited to be seeing their cousins and we're going to stop and see Noah's Ark on the way there near Cincinnati, and spend a day at the Columbus Zoo.  

Matt taught his 6 am Tuesday morning class and we got on the way....twelve hours. 

Our Haiti family is putting it ALL into finishing this semester well. Scraping. Stretching. Pushing. 
It is an impossible time to be doing things WELL in Haiti, and man alive, Emmaus is giving it their all and I'm proud to be praying for the brothers and sisters who are making great sacrifices and risks for His glory. They just will not see His kingdom work shut down, however much pressure they are under. 

Sadly, with mandates from the US Embassy, Canadian Embassy and UK that foreigners leave Haiti now due to increasing insecurity and shortages, almost every missionary we know in Haiti has returned to their home countries in the last 10 days. 

While I HATE this, and so do our Haitian brothers and sisters, I am not tempted to believe that this in any means that all the missionaries have left Haiti. My goodness, are we privileged to know and love and serve alongside of a multitude of faithful, courageous men and women, and they are just fighting on, perfectly in context. 

I'm not going to heart is still and maybe always going to be there with our dear ones. But until then, we've just gotta keep fighting for them, supporting them, helping them, encouraging them, and being ridiculously faithful in prayer. 

As I'm Thankful this Thanksgiving for so much, most, I am thankful for our brothers and sisters around the world who will NOT back down His light in unimaginable circumstances. We've GOT to be among them.


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