A total gift of an unexpected text came out of nowhere tonight...Even when we are alone, the Lord makes sure we are NOT.
Keep checking your neighbors...His. People. Are. There.
message from the parents of dear high school friends:
"Just an interesting connection that Eric made today over our back fence. A neighbor from the apartments next door who is from Haiti came up to him while he was working in the garden. Before the conversation ended Eric finally mentioned You and Matt and Emmaus to him. Well that got a reaction! His name is Louie and he and his wife worked in missionary broadcasting and seemed to know a lot about you. He lives in an apartment with his daughter who is a nurse. His wife died about a year ago with kidney failure. THAT was a divine appointment. Hopefully we will develop a relationship with him and his daughter. I have a feeling you probably remember him."
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Oh my!!..He is a DEAR dear man and a TRUE legend in Haiti, as was his wife, who was a massive prayer warrior and truly the voice of prayer on Radio 4VEH for decades.
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she told me once when she had to start dialysis that if it didn't work, she just trusted the Lord could grow her an entirely new kidney, or that He would take her home.
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I REALLY really can't believe that. He is such a dear, dear, man of God and has played a role in the Christian walks of countless, I mean countless men and women in Haiti.
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He worked for Radio 4VEH under OMS, and we work for Emmaus under OMS, and just partnered for so many years.
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oh my heavens. I really can't believe that. Sorry. Overload! That is amazing. Wash that man's feet any chance you get...it will be like serving Jesus. I love that for your family and for him!!!
We are excited to have made the connection! A true Holy Spirit moment. And that connection came on a day when we need to see the hand of God in our life.
You just never know. We are very excited to hear your words about him. Can't wait to follow up on this new friendship. We will certainly have him at our table soon.
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that is just precious, precious encouragement to me...just that God would put you all together, and even to hear that he is doing ok. When he finally had to move to the states to be with his dear wife, we lost track. That just blesses me dearly. Time with him was always like spending time with the Lord for Matt and I both. I praise the Lord for that sweet connection and will be praying for you ALL as you become the brothers and sisters that YOU ARE. I really can't believe it You sent
he is a legend among believers in Haiti, truly. there is no where you go that they wouldn't know he or his wife. What a gift! THANK YOU so much for telling me
I will keep you in the loop as we connect with him. THANK YOU for all you have offered to spur us on.
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priceless. When you invite them for dinner, I'll get a ticket!!
This sure sounds like Louie Destinae. If it is say Hi from Ernie Peters please!