
18 July 2021


This morning I did the service flow / announcements thing at church, and part of the flow includes sharing a brief word on something God is teaching you right now.

You can hear what I ended up sharing here, but basically a word from the kid's morning devotionals brought me through this past week: Faith, simply put, is acting like what God says is true (because it is).  It's acting like things are the way He says they are, even if they seem like they aren't. 

This simple thought has surfaced so many times of feeling overwhelmed, in times of feeling frustrated, in times of feeling worried or tired, and in my hardest day, Friday...trying to figure out how to make all the many plates of the weekend spin on my own, realizing that I couldn't, and feeling alone.

All of those feelings made sense...but what if instead I acted like what God says is true in those situations? 

Which of course, led me to asking a lot of "What DOES God say about this?" self-conversations.

AM I alone? IS His strength enough in my weakness? IS He able to provide what is needed? Enough? For this? Does He mean rejoice in the Lord always? 

Except for a minor Friday night break-down (that the Lord redeemed and used for good as He reminded me that He often provides through others and sometimes we have to ASK for Him to be able to do that) "acting like" what God says is true IS true gave me a lot mustard seeds to cling to this week and weekend. So thankful for that Word I was trying to share with my children.  Teaching is ALWAYS the best learning, isn't it.

The girls had three performances this weekend and had a blast, and we had a precious-as-always family dinner tonight as celebrating Mr. Henry's birthday and catching up on the weeks little victories and challenges. I love our Sunday night family. Tomorrow Nora is off to VBS mornings and Matt finally gets home...we have him till Thursday so we're going to make the best!  He had a great 10 Days at Sebring CampMeetings, preaching on all kinds of things, and this weekend and next week he's in Tupelo!

This was Ben, telling me he was ready for church today :)

Frankly, when you're getting five people ready for church...

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