
25 June 2021


Matt is safely in Alabama, attending the annual AIM conference and preaching a few times, and Lily has been on a missions church trip since Sunday, doing community outreach, service projects, prayer projects every morning and youth-group things every evening, sleeping at the church...and had braces put on Monday morning, so mom is just missing her, has heard nothing (no phones were allowed) and I'm anxious to have her home tomorrow!

Meanwhile, Sofie's been a busy bee with lots of 8-10 year olds, church and sleepovers and home and summer is crazy!  So thankful for this sweet time of getting time with friends, staying up later, doing special things (and also, mom is just trying to keep up!)

It's felt like a season with lots of dear ones hurting...good friends with covid, surgeries, job searches, grown kid heart-breaks, singleness struggles, marriage struggles...Life is hard, isn't it. So thankful He's given us each other and that He Sees and Knows and Cares.

I'm going to have Lily write a few paragraphs from her missions week after she's slept it off, but here's a few pix...I just LOVE opportunities for our kids to be involved in hurting places.

praying at the abortion clinic in Jackson

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