A couple precious updates from the week...
Today, this girl worked all day with a visiting team from Canada she barely knows in an Emmaus church plant a few villages over, without Matt Ayars or I, translating, directing, running errands, and assisting an Iraqi dentist.
She was empathetic, helpful, hardworking, respectful and elated...and as she comes home bubbling over with dreams for her future and new insights of her God-given passions, I’m so blessed for these precious, priceless opportunities.
And as the team talks to us about their day with her, her confidence, her Christ-like love for others...I’m ðŸ˜, not just because I’m proud of her, but because she is HIS, and in all the many in-between struggles, I forget that and am tempted to worry.
They are His. Our babies in bellies, our terrible twos, our moody tweens, our launching young adults, our grown-up children.
God’s got our children, just as He’s always had us, and is doing in them and through them more than we can see, create, or control. He is doing, always, MORE than we have done, loving somehow more than we have loved, planning MORE than we could plan. And He Is. Not. Done.
Thankful for the reminder, for that kind of Father that Lily and I share. Do we trust Him with our most precious gifts?💕.
Fev: the first area Emmaus students shared the Gospel where it just grew and grew. Many students, including one voted pastor, a church plant and a few years later, Fev has a beautiful family of invested, transformed believers.
What a joy yesterday to have our Harvest brothers and sisters consulting and meeting many physical needs, our students working in children’s ministry and helping translate, and to watch our original students, now alumni, lead the day in a community once so dark...now look: full of light! Many prayers, and a Mighty God, at work!
Emmaus is now officially a member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability!
Being ECFA accredited enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries like Emmaus by establishing and applying ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship, which means that when you give to Emmaus, you know that you’re giving to an organization who adheres to high standards of financial integrity and Christian ethics!
Being above reproach is of the utmost importance to Emmaus, from our financial practices to our academic standards, from our good government standing in Haiti to our holiness standards for all faculty, staff and students.
We praise the Lord for this successful accreditation, for His help, and for donors joining us in much-needed prayer and giving...developing above-reproach Christ-like leaders for the transformation of Haiti, and the world!
It’s hot, it’s Friday, we just cooked dinner for 25...but these girls also wrapped up another beautiful homeschool year with #sonlightcurriculum, and that is worth celebrating!! Love these girls and all the precious hubdreds of hours these certificates represent, love Nicole Brevoort and her invaluable help and presence, love Sonlight and all it’s given and grown our family!! On to fifth grade and third...but not ‘till Monday!!
And this little elf melting all the hearts :)
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