
25 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had a really nice, quiet and fun day at home today with the girls and family!
The girls got new bikes (that we just got from the DR)...
Sofie got babies...which is all she ever wants.  Here she has happy baby, and mad baby.  This is her mad baby face:

We had grapes and oranges from the DR, special treats family brought and sent in, and lots of good family time.

Girlies even got a princess tent from Uncle Casey and Aunt Laura!  

They are growing up, and were such a joy for all of us to share Christmas with!  

We had a special lunch at noon, got lots of practice on the bikes, and played some football and ultimate frisbee this evening.

Tomorrow we're supposed to build a screen door, do the mountain of laundry the DR racked up, clean up from today, and I hope to share from our trip to the DR.    

THANK YOU...Aunt Lori and Granny Smith, Uncle Casey and Aunt Laura, Cindy, Grammy and PopPop, Aunt Patty, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Al, Ana, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Adam, Grandpa, our neighbors...everyone for sending in special treats for our family this Christmas!!

You all helped make our day so special.  Grateful for the LOVE of Christ through so many...

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