
21 March 2025

where He is, we can be too

 A few random things from a random week :)

A few of you continue to support the Ayars as missionaries to Haiti, monthly. Many of you no longer do, but you DID, many for, 15!  And it may not seem like it was much or is much, but that savings and that continued giving means that when we go to Haiti like we did a few weeks ago, that money is getting us on that missionary plane, taking care of us in Haiti and bringing us home. That money is going to Emmaus University in His redeeming work in Haiti...and that money is making it possible for our one-income family to keep on serving in Haiti...and it's a big deal.  THANK YOU. Thank you. Continuing to be a part of His work in Haiti is one of the richest areas of our lives and is making a difference in Haiti. If you ever wanna talk Haiti, email me!

While the kids and are feeling ready for summer vacation, I've also been feeling really rich lately to be able to homeschool this crew. It is a full-time takes everything I've got, but it is also a huge gift. Lily came home this week with a list of everything she needs to take before graduation (she is a sophomore), and due to years of focused studies at home, she is two classes away from being eligible. Sofie has been struggling with some hard friend things lately, and as she shares with me what she's learning through it...I'm here for it (and what she's learning, I've had the priceless gift of teaching her all these years!) Ben and Nora and Sofie just finished memorizing Psalm 139...a Psalm we all thought would be too long to learn, and the richness of studying God's WORD in school as our truth for life...oh man. What a gift! If you ever want to talk homeschooling, email me :) If you can get a Beth to help you, all the sweeter :)

Finally, the Lord has been stretching me on a thing lately, and I wanted to share in case it may speak to you.

My whole susie-sunshine life, I have avoided sadness, depression, mourning, worry, anger and fear like the plague. In my mind, Jesus is always waiting in the the the the hope. I chase Him there, always. I hang out there, clinging, avoiding the hard places or pushing past them.  

It has been occurring to me lately, with His help, that perhaps He was has at times been waiting for me in the sadness...waiting for me in the mourning. Perhaps the anger I was avoiding, He was sitting in! Perhaps He had wanted to meet me there...and I wouldn't come...refusing to GO those places in the name of Jesus. I'm still asking Him to help me work all this through, but my point is that perhaps when you find yourself sad or angry or mourning or is not to be avoided, because Jesus is IN it. When we are sad, He is sad, and in our sadness He is there. In our losses, He feels the pain, and is to be found IN that pain. 

I don't think He leaves us in our broken places...but He sure does MEET us there, and as long as He's there...we can be too. That's all. 

Grateful for you friends

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