
18 December 2024

He moves

There is an expression used continually in Haiti that always rubbed me a bit. 

After any difficult situation was assessed or shared, everyone would shrug their hands and say, "Bondye Konnen", God knows. 

It was never meant to sound aloof, and the point of the statement is really: Don't forget that God sees this and He is not helpless, as we are.

But every time someone was comforted with, "Well, God knows!" it felt like not enough to me. Yeah, He knows....but does He care? He knows, but does He move? He knows, but does He GET it? Does He understand, painfully, intimately? He knows, but is He in the trenches with me and is He at work?

God's been reminding me lately....He is. 

Our God is not simply an all knowing one. He is not simply on the throne.

He doesn't just know. He is in the ash heap, with us. And He doesn't just want to be with us...He moves toward us. 

God's Christmas response to sin and brokenness and pain was He sent His own self, His Son, to us. For us. With us. 

I don't have to shrug my shoulders at the pain of our Haitian brothers and sisters today with a, "Well, God knows!" 

I don't have to shoulder my own silent, deep prayers with a "God knows, so carry on." 

He knows. And He sees. AND, He comes. He comes and helps. 

My Dad used to be a good image of this. Losing mom young, there were so many times I didn't need my dad to know I was struggling. I didn't need him to send a check or call to check.  I needed him to COME. I needed him to see. I needed him to help. And every chance he could, and sometimes when he really couldn't, he did.

Living in Mississippi without family with 5-7 kiddos. Living in
Haiti with so many daily struggles. Navigating motherhood without a mother. Navigating all your burdens, with all your gaps...with us, is GOD.

If you're wondering if He knows? That thing you've prayed about a dozen years? That pain that's currently taking your breath away? That anxiety that threatens to choke you out? 

He knows.

But if you also find yourself believing the lie that that is where He ends, here's your reminder.

He knows. And He cares. And He sees. And He understands. And He CAME. And He draws near...with mighty hands.

If it doesn't seem like it? Our seems is gloriously wrong. 

Keep on, friends. Call out, beloved. Breathe those prayers, and repeat those truths. 

He doesn't just know. 

Mighty God, all powerful, GOOD and making all things new...He draws near. God with us. 

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