
06 October 2024

Philly Fun

Oh man. It took us a lot longer and a few detours to get home, but we made it and had the best whirlwind days in Philly with the Northams! We did all the things--from Amish country to big city--and had lots of down-time, precious cousin time, lots of laughter and play...just such a joy! Even with the extra overnight in Dallas, we all agreed it was 100 times worth the effort...

Getting away is refreshing, there is nothing like family, and any time the cousins are together I love to sit and watch and listen, especially with people as precious as Lisa and Adam.  I am SO thankful for family, even when everyone is SO far away.

And we are wiped :)

There are a lot of good and kind people out there. Nothing like traveling with five kiddos to bring out the nasty looks...and also the sweetest remarks! I came out of a long 2 travel days with a quart of milk and a dozen doughnuts from a complete stranger, more kindness than frustration, and so many uplifting remarks about the kiddos. When people are patient and gracious with one another, and take a minute to say something uplifting, it just blesses me...because I always need it and it always reminds me of HIM!

1 comment:

  1. Her girls are getting so big!! -RS
