
24 September 2024

sunshine and shadows

Our dear Lady Jane is in the hospital and we would very much love your prayers, as well as our precious friend doing more chemo, several friends needing help, friends needing work, even friends needing encouragement, food, extra prayers. It has made for some busy and heavy days, with lots of sunshine in between, and reminders again and again that "eyes on Jesus" is THE only way!

I was so proud of our horse-loving girlie Saturday!

...and our dear friend Natalie getting married, with Miranda and Dawn and their family being so precious to us!

One of the sweet things we thought about Matt missing out on all those years of training pastors instead of BEING one was the sweet hospital visits, the baptisms, the sacred funerals, the life-on-life! That has been such a sweet spot this new season!

Family Dinner continues to be the sweetest, steady spot of the week...though we missed Lady Jane terribly!  Ethan and Lily have officially been playing games and making fun of each other for 10 years in two countries.

Matt is now gone to Nashville until Sunday, his birthday! 

Thank you for your sweet and precious prayers

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