
22 March 2024


Anyone else so heavy on Haiti?

It's not Haiti killing me. It's Jean-Sius, and Leme and baby Yasha, it's Tati Gertha and Junior and our students at Emmaus. It's not the country, it's the people, and what in the world are they supposed to do?

"Stand up, Haiti" I keep seeing staff and students pushing on FB, and she's trying. Everyone we know is trying to stand up on shaky legs, trying to push forward, trying to pull their hungry children behind them. 

They're being cut down, those standing up and those sitting and those quiet and orphaned and widowed. 

If we're only talking of man's justice, there. is. none.  There is none. The blood of many cries out.

If we're only talking of hope the media can report on, it is beyond hopeless. Beyond late. Beyond not enough.

If we're only talking about the weapons man sees, standing up is both futile and dangerous. 

Matt was teaching last night's Bible study from Psalm 113, where I have had long written "Haiti" in the margins, the Lord, high above all the nations, stooping down to the lowest low to lift up those on the ash heaps, to raise the poor from the dust.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, from today and forevermore, 
from the rising of the sun to the setting, 
the name of the Lord is to be praised. 

I spent this morning doing the sacred and timely task of translating student testimonies, and one first-year student's report stood out to me.

He shared his prayers, for a desperate family and community situation, and then shared his praises. 

I praise the Lord, he said, because I closed my eyes last night, and I opened my eyes this morning. Praise the Lord!

I haven't been home in a long time, and have naturally faded thinking and praying like my Haitian family. It saddens me.

Is praising the Lord because we rise with the sun and set with it only a praise for desperate people, fighting for survival? 

Or is it a psalm like 113, entitled "Who Is Like the Lord Our God"? Is it simply a psalm like 113 saying, ALWAYS. Praising always. Not because this. Because HIM.

All my own things bringing me low today, all of Americas, all of Haitis...The Lord is high above, his glory above the heavens. Who is like Him? Seated on high. Looking down. Raising the poor. Lifting the needy, making us sit with princes. Giving the barren woman a home. making us joyous.

Maybe we don't need to stand up today. Maybe we're too tired. Maybe we're too heavy. Maybe it's too dangerous. Maybe it makes no difference.

Maybe somedays we need to just praise Him where we are.

We closed our eyes last night. 
We opened them, grace, today.

Almighty God, above even the heavens, isn't like any of any of this, Haiti. Not at all, family.

He looks far down, bottom.

And He raises.

You can read Dr. Guenson's recent take here.  Please keep praying for and supporting our family in Haiti, with us. 


  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I lift up Haiti, you and your family every night. I love you all and your friends and loved one in Haiti!
