This is no exciting new concept, but as I've been reading through Mark it has struck me again and again how His perspective was totally different than ours. How limited we are in what we see, still being amphibious, both graced with the spiritual and limited to the physical.
Jesus's perspective on things was nuts. And solo. And often impossible.
And yet, He was always the one who was right in the end.
The little girl, even mama knew, was dead. She was gone, but Jesus said she was just sleeping. And the same people who laughed at Him, tears in their eyes, were the ones who went and got her something to eat when she sat up. Those five loaves and two fish weren't even a sufficient snack for anyone, and Jesus said they were a feast, and for 5000. Those waves everyone saw as threats He saw as roads. Those sisters, they said if Jesus had been there, their brother would still be alive, and Jesus wept and said that he was. That suffering woman who spent every penny, who every doctor had perceived in the end as hopeless, saw that 'as many who touched Him were made well', and she was.
From everyone's perspective that giant was shaking down armies, and God's perspective was that it was child's play. So much everyone saw as good, God saw evil, what man saw was right, God saw wrong, what man thought was truth, God knew the lie, what people saw wise, God knew foolish. What man saw as hopeless God had already made a way, what many saw as clear as day God saw as small.
We are so limited with our own perspectives...our shoes are the only ones we can truly stand in. Yet.
Our mighty God is gracious to share with us HIS perspective, HIS view, ANY time we want it more than our very understanding...ANY time we beg for His eyes more than our own hearts.
His perspective always seems to come with a cross, and there are often drops of blood on the path that follows closely the King crowned in thorns.
But His view also comes with all we need to obey, with all we need to grow, with all we need for His priceless peace and power.
What or who are you seeing plain and simple, friends, that He might just have a radically different perspective on?
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