
05 January 2024


 No matter what changes God has performed in you, never rely on them.  Build only on a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and on the Spirit He gives.  

All our promises and resolutions end in denial because we have no power to accomplish them. Build only and all on a Person. 

Yes, I'm back with Oswald Chambers this year, going through the well worn pages of simple, hard truth again, and this idea of "eyes on Jesus" keeps repeating in our new year over and over. 

When we come completely to the end of ourselves and all our self-sufficiency--which these last many weeks have brought us to--we are finally able to receive all that the risen Lord has for us...and it's just more of Himself. 

Spending these days as close to Him as we can, starting and finishing and packing in between all of the listening and studying and learning and leaning that we can has been so sweet...we're just gonna stay here for a while! 

Meanwhile, the crew is back to school...something like herding a family of reluctant sloths :). I'm so thankful for Beth and Dawn and the prayers of many, helping us get moving again. I'm thankful for Sarah, one of Lily's best friends from Haiti, who spent the last week with us celebrating Lily. I'm so thankful for Lily, now somehow 15, and the sweet and kind friends she celebrated with. I'm thankful for precious kiddos to minister to, always keeping our eyes on Him. I'm thankful for friends who love us and love our children, period. With or without. Here or there. Up or down. I'm thankful--these past days that were SO miserable last year with Dad suffering, truly suffering--for his complete and total healing and freedom, standing in awe and fullness at the throne from which my daily bread comes. 

I'm also thankful for new roads He is bringing us to, and for His help He is making available again and again in ways big and small.  How many times this last year I have prayed simply, urgently, "Lord, help" and while not always clear in the moment, it has come, again and again. In many sleepless nights, in many broken places, in many hopeless situations, the Lord has met me with His power and tender care and as such I cannot regret them.  

The parts of myself, of others, of life that I have relied on dwindle, eyes on Jesus.  

There is now only One who directs the house of your life. 

A new day comes. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Stacey. Many prayers for you all. (Doesn't Ben know he'll shoot his eye out with that thing...haha) -RS
