
30 September 2020

home again, home again

This precious crew of staff and students led worship at the Vaudreil Church this past Sunday, and I love opportunities like this for our students and for communities throughout Haiti.  While I'm loving the photos our team has been sending, I am chomping at the bit to get back and see and experience and hear and participate in what God is doing there and be able to share them more intimately again!  There is a lot a of work to do that two weeks...including sitting down with over twelve new students to hear their testimonies, get their pictures, capture footage for and create a short video on life at Emmaus this semester, interviewing staff and students on what's going on right's going to be a busy and precious time.  Matt has almost as much on the schedule for his one week in Haiti....preaching, teaching, and helping our team with countless transitions. 

THANK YOU to those who have continued to support us, making it possible for this trip, and to take it as a family....something that is very important to the kids, and very important to our family and friends in Haiti. On top of all the ministry opportunities, we are MOST looking forward to encouraging, ministering to and loving on our students, co-workers, family and friends...this has been SUCH a challenging season for Haiti and it's been difficult being unable to encourage and pray for our brothers and sisters there in person.  There is nothing like in person.

We can't wait to hold hands, hear stories, catch up, hold babies, have Lily, Sofie, Nora and Ben playing with their friends again, and pray, pray, pray with and for people, and encourage them with His Word as much as we possibly can in those short days. 

Many people have been asking us if there is anything they can do to help, and so I wanted to share here:

1) PRAY. Pray for His grace and anointing during this time. Pray for His wisdom and courage and boldness as we love on His children in Haiti. Pray for healing and grace for our family and children as we are able to finally take some steps in transitioning from full-time LIFE and ministry in Haiti to different and continued and two-week trips to Haiti.  

Also, with passport agencies so far behind, we still don't have Nora's passport renewal...please join us in praying for His timing on this!  

2) HELP.  Because of the continued support of a handful of faithful partners, we have the funds we need for travel and housing and transport this trip. We will drive the 12 hours to Fort Pierce, fly with Missionary Flights International into Northern Haiti (American Airlines is no longer flying to Cap-Haitian), and stay at Emmaus both weeks.  

However, so many of the men and women of Emmaus and of our village have been struggling so greatly in this season of instability and major economic and political upheaval, and we KNOW they need help. YOU know we want to help them all we can...we are GOING to help them all we can. Once again we are going to be right in the face of so much need.

If you have used, still working tablets or smart phones with chargers that you have replaced but aren't sure what to do with now...we have tons of people and students who could use them and would be thrilled.  If you want to send funds, 100% of it is going to be handed over to a family in need and we'd be thrilled to be able to help just a few more people or just a bit more than we currently can.   

We leave Mississippi on the 13th of October, so we don't have a lot of time!

Stacey Ayars
167 N Maple Street
Ridgeland, MS  39157

Thank you, so very much!!

Trusting the Lord with every element of this trip, from how the days are filled, to meeting all our hearts, to caring for our children, to caring for our Haitian brothers and sisters, to providing for Emmaus. We pray to be empty vessels, filled by Him and pouring out Him.

 Thank you for your precious prayers!

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