
16 August 2020

why we can't get off Facebook

 I've read it a dozen times and contemplated following suit at least that many.

I'm getting off FB for a while...too much hate, too much ugly, too much broken, too much stress, can't take it right now, see you later.

And there is a time for that, heaven knows. There were times Jesus stepped away, often. There are times to withdrawl, to step back, to search the Lord, to seek His voice, to offer up our discouragement, our frustration, our weary.  There are times to get offline, times to be silent and to let Him fill us.  I've been a bit in that season myself. 

But if Facebook is full of hate, should we not be on it--instead of off it--full of love?

If our feeds are full of ugly, should we not be beautiful--instead of disappearing?

If the world is full of darkness, should we not be in it --instead of of it--full of light?

If the voices around us are loud and angry, shouldn't ours be strong and steady?

If our neighborhoods, our communities, our states, our countries, our families are full of brokenness and despair and unrest, should we Christ-followers not be right in the middle there, offering His hope and healing and peace? 

Isn't it in the hardest places--the ones where we can't even DO it on our own strength--that He's asked us to be His fragrance, His likeness, His disciples, His friends?

If we can be Jesus on Facebook in calm times, isn't being Jesus on Facebook 100 times more important in chaos and cruelty and cynicism? If we can be Jesus to those who love us, isn't it Biblically far more vital that we be Jesus to those who hate? 

On the worst, most broken, corrupt, upside-down, painful days in Haiti, Matt often took our complaints and reminded me of this truth: It is BECAUSE this situation is like this that we are here. This is why we are here.  If we can be Jesus in Haiti, isn't it of utmost importance to be Jesus in America in famine and instability, too? 

I read a post the other day from a frustrated believer about his church, and while dozens of comments slammed that body of believers for being close-minded, hypocritical, and some names worse, the comment that caught my eye was this: "sounds like that church needs you, brother."

It's not the healthy world that needs a doctor, Jesus reminded many, but the sick. 

It's the incredibly difficult to love who need His love. It's the impossible to debate who need His peace. It's the one with a thousand opinions who needs His grace. It's the one with a hundred debts who needs forgiven. It's the hungry,'s the not-so-fun, often nasty, loud and broken hungry who need bread...our Daily Bread.

Blessed, challenging mystery: He wants to do that, to be that, to minister to the lost and sick and weary through US.

He can't reach the lost through us if we peace out, too sick and tired of the broke He CAME for. 

Facebook isn't supposed to be there for us. The world, friends, isn't going to bring us any good news.  Let's get our peace...our satisfaction...our hope...our forgiveness...our love...our wisdom from. His. Word. - -so plugged in we can't be shaken, so grounded we can't be swept about -- and then let's get back in there.

Don't get off Facebook, don't cut off your family, don't leave the church, don't only surround yourself with other like-minded least not for long.

Get ON it, brothers and sisters, instead...Christ in you (in the hardest places), the hope of glory.

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