
21 September 2019

as the waters fill the sea

This was some crazy week.  We still, still, still don't have fuel in the North.  We don't know what to do about that.  So we've been pushing forward, praising the Lord and praying for fuel each day, holding firm, praying, waiting.

What really hit us this week, however, wasn't even the fuel and all of the major issues and political instability, but when two of our neighbors we've been serving with the past year at Emmaus told us late Tuesday that they'd be leaving (leaving leaving) today.  It's been a really hard season, this past season in Haiti and man, we just didn't see that coming. I'm not going to lie, it's really threatened the keeping up of our good courage this week.

As you can imagine, with three days notice, the last few days have been a whirlwind of trying to figure out what to do without them, to cover all the English tutoring and grading and hospitality management for me, and for Matt, how to run the IT systems, network, electrical systems, how to monitor the generator/solar panels, printers,'s a lot. lot.

If we have placed our hope in fuel, man. If we have placed our hope in ourselves or others, we would just be LOST.

But we've placed our hope in the unwavering Lord, who is STRONG in hard times and ever present, and we have been clinging and battling to stay there this week.

By today, we haven't gone further than we can walk for countless weeks. We needed a day away, and without fuel and continued heated roads, we didn't have many options.

So we did what we did last February when things were so very bad and we needed to have family time and stop thinking about it all for just a few hours.

We grabbed some friends, got on a boat off the pier a mile from our house (the fuel for the boat being the captains problem and not ours!), and went to a tiny tiny island five miles out.

From there, it looks like Haiti doesn't have a care in the world.

She is beautiful and majestic and peaceful.
I was thankful from a step-away perspective that God is still on the throne, that He is still strong and able.

Yes, Lily is cross-stitching on Jonas's first-ever boat ride :)

So our prayers continue. Tonight I'm praying this:

For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord. 

Habakkuk 2:14

Keep praying with us, and let me share our plea for help from Emmaus' facebook page:

Do you want to be involved in missions and what God's doing in Haiti through Emmaus? We need your help!!
If you or someone you know might be called and qualified to do any of the following jobs for a few weeks or months or even years, we want to meet you!
-campus network manager
-information technology maintenance
-electrical systems manager
-maintenance manager and/or maintenance help
-ESL teacher/assistant/language tutor 
Email us for more info!

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