
08 January 2019

Can I interrupt this regularly scheduled program for a selfish short prayer request?

About a week ago I started having some major headaches, jaw pain, eye pain...and as the days have continued it's centralized into a very acute pain with one of my teeth.

It's not going away, it's getting worse each day, and I have very very few options for treatment and it's getting very challenging to focus on all the daily parts of life through the throbbing.

The ice skate scene of Cast Away has never looked so appealing.

What renewed empathy I have for the many people of Haiti (and many other countries) who have faced limited, limited dental care (read: if financially possible, pulled) their whole lives, me now facing that reality for the first time at 36.

When you brush your teeth tonight, say a quick prayer for an open door...healing or good help. Thank you!



  1. Praying for you! I can't imagine having that constant pain while keeping up with 4 kids and ministry.

  2. How is the tooth situation? Praying!
