
07 June 2018

Did it. Don't do it. But did it :)

I am not and will not ever recommend taking on a major amusement park with six kiddos at 35 weeks pregnant.  Man alive, I am going to be sore tomorrow.  But we DID it, Lily alone worked off the price of all of our tickets by riding absolutely EVERY ride 2-3 times (it took three adults just to keep up with her) and all the little ones had a blast of a day, too.  Busch Gardens is beautiful, and at bedtime prayers again tonight both Lily and Sofie talked about how wildly different today was than their normal life at home...about how impossible it would be to explain, and about what a treat it was. 
Thankful for my sister having a stroller we could use, thankful for the good time with family, thankful for the opportunity, and thankful the park closed at 6.  Because I was gonna die :)

Unable to ride anything, I was with the little-ests today, which was pretty precious.

Sofie was the designated "over 36 inches" rider all day so that Nora could ride, and was a champ.  
The girls are all now in mini comas, I'm about to be, Matt and Adam are out at the movies, and Lisa and I are preparing for our final day tomorrow, a Colonial Williamsburg with four 3 and under/ Pool mix.  

Saturday evening and three services Sunday, Matt is preaching at Cornerstone UMC church in Bear, DE, so we'll be crashing with Uncle Don the next few days and hopefully seeing lots of you!  

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