
08 April 2018

travel, mud and worship

Matt made it into bed in New Jersey this morning around 3 am after several delays, and he
 is preaching a few services this morning and then will have some rest time before teaching tonight.  Thankfully small children have prepared him well for short nights. Wish we could be there, and also thankful he doesn't have to do all this with our valuable help :)

Many of you had been praying with us for months over the bizarre disappearance of Sharptown's pastor's middle son (and EBS board member, and Matt's childhood pastor), and it was with such heavy hearts that we learned a few days before Palm Sunday that Doug and Julie's precious son's body had been found.  His funeral was this past Monday, and Matt and I were just really thankful for the opportunity for Matt to come alongside Doug and Julie and Sharptown right now, to give Doug a break for a few days and to help meet the church with the Gospel during this hard season.  

Our team of 12 from Harvest Bible Chapel in Oakville, Ontario and all their trunks of medicines and medical supplies arrived safely on the same plane Matt went out on, and they unpacked, repacked, we fed them all dinner and they were off to bed.  They started the travel day at 2 am, and this morning were joining a 7 am service and then offering a clinic at the church all afternoon.  Whew!

They'll be working alongside students and alumni the rest of the week, doing medical clinics at Belony's church in Flavil, Enick's church at Coup-a-David, Walnique's church in Fev, Nosebin and Phida's church in DuFour and the local church on Friday, which will also be open to all our staff, students and community members.

Meanwhile the girls had a friend over yesterday and creatively turned part of Phil's construction site into a mud hotel for strawberry shortcakes and fairies while I was cooking for the team.  The young men from Saccanville won't know what to do with their dirt when they come for work tomorrow :)  I promise to get up some actual construction pictures, too, in the next few days.  We have a long way to go, but the new classroom building with 2 classrooms large enough to facilitate all the classes we are currently trying to hold in the library is well underway!

Praying your Sabbath is full of slowing down (trusting Him with what we're not striving to accomplish), good worship in so many forms to our Great God, worthy of our praise, and good time joining with the missionfields around us, pointing, pushing towards the resurrected Christ.

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