
29 March 2018

when unto Him

We are safely home, Matt on the up and down and all of us happy to have had a few days away and to be safely home again.  The girls are such explorers and so loved having new places to wander and new creatures to play with...quicksand to battle with and pockets full of weathered rocks and fancy shells.  

The Heckman's are great friends to adventure-vacation with...especially with Matt down for the count most of the time.  He is doing better tonight and we're all so thankful...Mama's not happy when her people aren't well!  
The Lord has surely spread His beauty many reminders of His majesty.
Despite Matt feeling so unwell, it was good for us all to get away for a bit and to slow down for a bit. 

Matt preaches Easter Sunday, then leaves a few days later for four days of preaching at Sharptown Church in Woodstown, NJ, and the day he leaves a medical team of 12 comes.  After he comes back and the team goes, Aunt Sharon is so graciously on her way, this time with Anna and to hold down the fort while I am gone for a few days, speaking at Crosspoint Church in Niceville, FL.  

As soon as I'm back, seven different visiting professors and librarians are coming in (on six different days, I'm afraid :), the Heckmans are gone for a week, two master's classes happen and of course...this is all on top of the regular day-to-day teaching and preaching and school!  April is already proving to be a doozy, and it's not even here yet!  Remind me in two weeks how nice it was to wander in the surf for a few hours this week!  
However, the very reaching out that wearies you, it fills you up, too...Just yesterday evening I was exhausted, sitting on the bed with the girls and reading to them about good Friday, and when we talked about the curtain in the temple ripping from top to bottom when Jesus died, they GOT it...right away and for the first time.

Jesus dying on the cross for them means that there is no longer a barrier between them and God, means that they don't have to be perfect or unblemished or priests or Levites to enter the Lord's presence.  Watching their faces click and hearing their questions and listening to Lily describe the meaning to Sofie...ah, it's just good work, our utmost for His highest.  

Even the bending the knee ministry, washing the feet (and the dishes) and serving the suppers and grading the papers and hanging the laundry and picking up the living room again and again, preparing the sermons and classes and doing the airport runs and holding steady over the broken roads, even in the heat and the dust, even with the stubborn and the difficult (and even when that's each other :) is good work when unto Him.

So unto Him may it all be.

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