
08 December 2015

catch up

My mind and heart have been on so many devotional things lately that I've fallen behind on the day-to-day's a few pix to catch you up!
My dish buddy is the BEST.  She makes the mountains so much better.
I'm posting excessive pictures of the first year victory over fourth year (not even the final tournament game, just a pre-match) to help you understand just HOW big of a deal soccer is around here.  And how MUCH our family loves it.
first year, obviously, in teal, will now make it to the finals against 2nd

and then there is Romual, who is smiling like this literally 99% of the time, even when they DID just lose.
Nora girl is officially four months old, 13.4 lbs and just a joy to us all, even when she's all boogied.
She adores Gertha every bit as much as Matt and I.  Love how much they love each other.
Playing with Gertha while mom heads to work...
Someone sent me this beautiful poster the other day, and I have NO idea who it's from!!  was it you?  I LOVE it!  Thank you for the precious reminder.
AND we officially received our first prayer ornament!  THANK YOU, Shay!  
These girls are such a beautiful (and early) start to each day!

This week is finals week for Emmaus, for Lily and for Sofie, so we're all buckling down in a big way...and feeling more and more ready for Christmas break!

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