
20 March 2015

so full.

I don't even know what to tell you.  So full!

So, I'm just going to tell you the good things.  And there were many!

The final participants left this morning, and everyone had such a great time on our campus, with our staff, and in meetings.  As Phil said, though it all went so well, it's like a huge weight is off our shoulders with the last people leaving.  As I went around thanking each staff member today for all of their hard work, Leme said, "Hey, we're a team, it's what we do!" and I was so thankful that he is right.
While Brent joined that team and helped us all pull off this conference well, we adored having his family with us.  Lily and Sofie LOVED having some other kiddos here their age for the two weeks, and I couldn't BELIEVE how well these five little ones lived, played, slept, ate and partied together.  They were all devastated to be separated, and we were genuinely sad to lose them.  Turns out 9 in a house had way more advantages than disadvantages.
Sofie and Ellie
Lily and Dahelson
Our last night, Julie and I single-handedly took them into town to swim...a great "last night" adventure.
It's also amazing how much they all entertain each other...Julie and I actually got to sit and have dinner together :)

The kittens are getting so darn cute.  Sofie insists we are keeping them all.  That is not going to happen.

Our new friend/intern Rosa has started weekly Mexican food night, and it is SO. DARN. GOOD.  Oh my goodness.  After such a huge week, it was so great to have family dinner...that someone else made.  And with Phil, Ethan and Matt wearing clip-on ties.
The girls are SO glad to have their dad back.  They spent 20 minutes yesterday cracking me up, watching home videos of slip-n-slide disasters.  I love these three.

Another new intern, Caleb, joined us today!  From Kansas, he is here for two months to work on the EBS Library and we're so excited to have him and to have someone with expertise dedicated full-time to the library!
Tomorrow, we are off for a new adventure, hiking to the bay, being off campus and away from work...can't wait!

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