
18 February 2015

Two things are actually going to shock you tonight...1, I hardly took any pictures on retreat, and 2, I have returned incredibly sick.  I swear air-conditioning has it out for me, because after months without it, about 2 minutes in it now has me with a full-fledged sinus infection and general misery.  I can't remember the last time I EVER had such a miserable awful cold, and 6 hours on a bus (another shock) didn't help today.

Nonetheless, we are safely home and glad to be, Uncle Don was safely waiting when we got here, and due to the most recent bit of news from Carnaval Haiti you've probably seen on TV, it has been mandated that all schools be closed the rest of the week.

thousands of people + a lot of drinking + 2:45 am + massive poor planning + tragic unnecessary loss of many lives = less education for children

We'll never understand.  

So, we have many of our students back and are unable to hold classes.  Lily, on the other hand, is quite happy with this snow day even if she doesn't understand why, and I plan on using the time getting better.  Again.  

Better update from retreat tomorrow!

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