
05 September 2014

the joy is greater!

OK, here's the proof!  Carol really is here, and is working like a dog!

This expression makes no sense, because even though our dogs actually HAVE jobs here on security, they are lazy bums.  Carol is working like they should be :)

SO SO thankful for Carol...not only her financial expertise and fluency and genius, but for her spirit...she is endlessly patient, gracious, and even as we discover more of my messes that she has to sort through, she is laughing instead of crying and refusing to let me bash my complete lack of skills.  

Carol being here is exactly what we needed exactly when we needed it...such a testimony of the Lord knowing what we need and graciously giving it to us!  

The girls' uniforms are almost done, and you've never had two little ones more excited to get to school!  Meanwhile, we're packing in lots of good homeschool time each day, and getting to play that role in their development and discipleship and education AND getting to send them to a school where they can develop culturally and socially and in their Creole and French three days a week?  I'm so thankful.

Meanwhile, check out our fantastically adorable nieces!  Hardest thing about living in Haiti always changes, but lately, it's been missing the little ones that we can't snuggle through Skype :(
Baby Evie is killing me with that hair and sweet smile.  Ah, I miss her so much.
And little Luci is almost ONE and we can hardly believe it!

Chris headed out today, Bob and Launa arrive today, and three more VP's--Brent, Charles and Rod--come in tomorrow morning!  

Inverter parts have still not arrived and are promised to arrive Tuesday, and hopefully shortly after some kind of generator genius will be heading our way...trying to round one up now.

Life isn't slowing down :)

But, as Janiel was sharing with me yesterday in light of four small children at home and my acknowledgement that they must be SO tired..."We are so tired, but the joy is greater!"

Amen.  We miss many, we continue to struggle with internet and power issues, classes are busy, many many dear friends are struggling right now financially to prepare for school, and lot of little unexpected trials continue to be hitting each day.  However,  because of Him, the joy is greater!

Thankful for your continued prayers.

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