
11 September 2014

Living God at Work

Good morning!

So many little updates, everyday.  Our God continues to be a Living God, active and at work...sometimes through us, sometimes through others, and sometimes just through His Spirit.  So grateful to be serving a LIVING God today.

1) Power situation.  
The inverter parts finally came on Tuesday, and somehow...things are even worse than before.  Ryan has very endlessly and tirelessly worked out very temporary ways to get fans at night (mostly) and to have power during the day, but with Ryan only being here for another week and nothing actually working the way it's supposed to... sigh.

Our dear friends at NorthRidge are working to get someone here ASAP.  We'll keep you posted.

Side Note: some have been wondering when we'll get the "air conditioners" going again... there ARE no air-conditioners!  On the entire EBS campus, there is one A/C unit in the library for the books, and one A/C unit in Matt's office (his predecessor had to have it for his health, and Matt has NEVER complained :)  Aside from that, we are working to get power going again just for the fans we cling to :)

2) My sister and Baby Evie are coming tomorrow!
Yes, I know you know.  I'm just still really excited :)  She has been thoroughly warned by many of the many dangers of Haitian life, and I'm just so thankful to have dear family who live life with us, right where He's called us!  We CAN'T WAIT (but will terribly miss Uncle Adam!)

3) Speaking of Uncles.
In light of the many maintenance issues we've had starting into this new year, Uncle Don has scheduled his annual trip for REALLY soon!  VERY excited to have Uncle Don, and our buddy Jeremiah, joining us on the 25th...Don for a few weeks and Jeremiah for a few days!

4) Our VP's are jumping in so well.
What a joy it is to be living life with these four godly men this week and next.  We are going through a lot of His Word, a lot of stories and life experiences together, and a lot of cookies and Coke.

5) Our new students are jumping in so well.
I start interviewing our first year class for their testimonies and stories this week!  Very thankful to have this new group with us, very thankful for the spirit of the class, and very thankful for this chance to start getting to know them better (and sharing them with you!)

6) We couldn't have done it without Carol.
Financial brains seriously are SUCH a gift to all of us, even if we don't know it.  Her brilliance, dedication and awesome attitude have been such a gift to all of us this month, but especially just to ME.  I needed the encouragement and the practical help of a very talented and very true friend, and I'm just so thankful.  I wish she could stay forever...but she's leaving early Saturday.

7) We underestimate how very much God can work through us to change people's lives.
I always pray to be one of those people.  Lately, I feel far more the recipient, making this feel all the more true.  Press on in pouring out yourself unto Him and for others...even when it doesn't seem to be getting through.


9) Health is still sketchy.
Phil and Emily both continue to be feeling pretty awful, though they are both on antibiotics, and the rest of us are fighting it for all we're worth.  Having so much on everyone's plates lately have us under attack all the more.  Please continue to pray for good health, and we're all working hard to take care of each other and to get enough sleep, drink our OJ, etc.  

10) The girls are lovely.
Their second day of school was wonderful, with lots more kids slowly heading back as well.  When they both marched out in single file lines with their classes yesterday, I thought I was going to cry.  Such big girls.  Yesterday Sofie made me a picture of four little stick figures with hearts around them, and when I asked if it was Mommy, Daddy, Lily and Sofie, she said, "NO! That is me and those are my three friends from school!" and I was thankful.  am thankful.  Thanks for patiently enduring so much talk about them lately...they are always on my heart.

11) Final part of the Junior in Baron story can be read here!


  1. Don't apologize for talking about your girls. We all love them, too. I'm praying for you, my friend.

  2. In the midst of turmoil with the electric problems he is blessing you in so many ways. Enjoy your sister and niece and praying his hands covering you all with good health!

    Love you Lori
