
23 February 2014

be church, in church

We were all really blessed to worship together with our family in Grison-Guard this morning.  Granny is special to each of us, and her church is a special place, too.  
The worship was fantastic, the service was frills-free, and Matt shared a challenging message out of Revelation 2, noting faithfulness and perseverance as great attributes of His church, but reminding us that without great love for Him and for others, it is in vain...and repentance for "less love" is necessary!

"I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance,
I know you cannot tolerate evil men,
I know you put to the test false prophets,
I know you have persevered and have endured for My sake,
I know you have not grown discouraged or weary.

But you don't love me like you did at first.
Repent!  Do the deeds you did at first, or I will remove your lampstand out of its place."
Rev. 2 2-5


Then we headed back to Granny's for fresh coconut and friendship.  Really thankful for this woman, who has been a mother to us both and a grandmother to our girls, and for the opportunity to be IN church, and to BE HIS church, this morning.

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