
05 January 2014

God Knows the end of ourselves...

Today was a full day, even with Matt not here!

We had a wonderful service this morning at Belony's church in Flavil.  It's one of my favorite places to worship, anyway, and today His Spirit met me thankful for that time of nourishment, encouragement, and worshiping with believers.

I also got to snuggle baby Esdras, who is turning into quite the happy little man, and got some focused prayer time.  I know visitors always complain that Haitian prayers last forever, but that gives you a good solid chunk of time to pray--which is sometimes hard to find otherwise!

Tomorrow, "normal" life resumes.  Lily is back to school, I'm back to work, Gertha and Micheline are back to coming in rotation to watch over So-So (I have missed their daily friendship so!) and many of our staff and students will be coming and going this week.  Friday, the first of our visiting professors come, followed by several more (and Matt, Lord willing) on Saturday.

The Lord must have known I was feeling lonely today (weekends with no Matt are hard) because He sent me all kinds of good friends to meet me today...a phone call from Kansas, a Skype call from Atlanta, Jean-Sius and Florina this evening (every time I'm with this dear older couple I'm reminded how much I LIKE you know people like that?) and a catch up with Leme and Simeon right after.

"God Knows" is such a common Haitian saying that sometimes it drives me a little crazy.  But the reality today is that it continues to be true.  Thankful to have a God who knows our hearts, knows our struggles, and doesn't just know, but CARES.  And doesn't just care, but MOVES.

If I haven't managed over the years to get you into daily "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers, I'll just keep sharing it with you almost daily :)

You've gotta listen to this...

The first "follow Me" is nothing mysterious: it is an external following.  But Jesus is now asking for an internal sacrifice and yielding.  

When you come completely to the end of yourself and all of your self-sufficiency, there is no part of yourself you will ever rely on again.  In your state of destitution, you are finally ready to receive all that the risen Lord has for you.  

No matter what changes God has performed in you, never rely on them.  Build only on a Person--the Lord Jesus Christ--and on the Spirit he gives.

When we come to the end of ourselves, not just mentally, but completely, we are truly able to be invaded by the Holy Spirit.

Now, there is Only One who directs the course of our lives--the Lord Jesus Christ.

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