
16 January 2014

EBS Animals...

Most of you probably don't care too much about our animal situation :)  But for all the emails we get about the cat and the baby goats and losing Ella and all, I figured I'd give a quick update.
Callie is doing well!  
Somehow she heard about how cats were worshipped as gods thousands of years ago, and is having trouble letting that go.  

Despite Kate's and my miscommunication last night, the cat is GOOD and loved on to smithereens.

Stacey: "We butchered the cow on Saturday."
Kate, hearing CAT and appalled: "WHY would you DO THAT???"
Stacey: "Well, to feed the students, Kate."
Kate, after a long outraged pause: "Well, that is terrible, and makes NO sense."
Stacey: "What do you MEAN that makes no sense?  Why do you think we HAD the cow?  How do you think we should feed 70 men?"

Kate:  "Oh.  You said COW."

This was our first day back in chapel, in which Danny was caught sleeping.  Again.
These are the newest babies, with Mama looking on...

ALL of the goats ADORE mangoes...

Unicorn is due any day...
And Sofie loves patting her babies :)

Noel is expecting kids in another month or two, and loves having her picture taken.

This is Oreo, three days old...aren't they cute :)
Oreo and Sleepyhead...
And Pepper is growing like a little weed!  He is Haylie's puppy, bought after Ella died before Christmas.  He is well-loved and porking out just fine :)
Meanwhile, I continue to be amused by our girls...they are like farm kids, but their parents aren't farmers :)

True to life in Haiti, they understand animals  as food, and even pets they understand to be very easily gained and lost.  Life is fragile.  They seem to really get that.

Somehow, Lily manages to name and love every goat, and then enjoys eating them, by name, as well :)  She loved seeing what the cow had inside, how big his heart was, how all his bones worked together...while Matt and I are hiding in the house feeling sick and vowing to never eat beef again.

We are city parents raising third culture kids...and nothing makes that more obvious than the "pet" situation in a country that has not been afforded the luxury of animals BEING pets.

Nonetheless, it does my heart good to see their tender loving care of all living things, and their great appreciation for the food we have that so many just don't.  Just as pets are luxuries, so is eating meat, and they are thankful little ones for their fried goat skin and cow liver soup.  

We are thankful they are thankful...and pass them on our serving.

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