
03 December 2013

along for the ride

Ever been in one of those season's where you can hardly keep up with your own life?  Yeah.  We're there :)

Lily is taking her final exams each day this week and going on a field trip to Vertier, a historical monument, Friday.  The students are wrapping up classes this week and preparing for finals (read: teachers are buried under grading and trying to finish creating final exams).  Registration for next semester is this week.

Dr. Charles Lake is staying with us and doing a conference on orality and discipleship (check out more on him and the conference here).  Several good friends from Sabetha, Kansas are joining us tomorrow!  (Can't WAIT!)  Every afternoon is filled with EBS Christmas activities, which as you know if you've been around the blog long, mostly center on singing and soccer, soccer, then singing.

Two staff members are getting married this month, baby Christie will be dedicated this Sunday, Matt is preaching one of the weddings and the dedication.  And the girls are still sick.

This means that the days are loaded with grading, cooking, cleaning, laundry, calculating, registration, teaching, hosting and boogies :)

Add in all the things that needed done this taking the school picture (with my camera in Texas for repairs...thank you, Emily, for yours!) and finishing translating and typing all the student thank you letters and new student testimonies?


And of course, it's (mostly) ALL GOOD!

So, here's some catch up :)

five members of fourth year didn't make the photo...sigh. 
as is true EVERY pictures bring out the goofball in all our students.  These pictures are always my favorites :)

And the conference with Dr. Charles Lake?

Awesome.  Anytime you get these guys together, you know it's going to be a great time of learning, sharing, encouraging, praying, and carrying the Gospel BETTER.
Belony (Flavil), Ernst (Wood of the Low Humanity), Enick (Coup-a-David), Ezechiel (Baron), Job (canNOT remember the name of his zone!), Donnson (O-Cap) and Junior (Everywhere).
It's been a joy to have Dr. Charles staying with us, too...he is such a humble, passionate, richly experienced and talented orator and follower of Christ.

So yes.  Things are busy.  But they are BUSY good, and very much so about sharing and living JESUS...and I can't imagine a better Christmas season!


  1. VERY busy, and as you said Very good! Hang in there and take care of Stacey :)

    1. Jesus is going to take care of Stacey when I'm dead :) For now... :) Love you, Aunt Lori!

  2. Dear Stacy, not sure if you get to read your own postings, but............."This means that the days are loaded with grading, cooking, cleaning, laundry, calculating, registration, teaching, hosting and boogies :)" This looks like a pretty normal kind of week for you.. lol

    Sometimes I get exhausted just reading what God has for you each week. We know He will not give us more than we can handle, so He obviously knows you can handle more than most of us. We continue to pray for all of you. God bless, your brother in Christ, from Bethel in Philly
