
16 May 2013

how rich we are

I think....we....might...pass...out.
What a DAY!

In a thousand good ways...and a few stressful.
First, 7:20 am, Lily's LAST day of school!  Here is Lily with her teachers, Madame Roselor and Madama Natavita, all decked out in their final day party wear!  Blessed.
Lily and her best friend Ashline...who will be missing each other terribly this summer!
 I knew it was going to be a good day...
then at 7:30 am, 
...the delivery of my morning goat liver...
...and then I saw that this motorcycle is apparently privately owned by Jesus ;), and then at 9:00 AM when our good friends Greg and Cathie from PAP flew in for Junior's graduation!
And I was WAS a good day!  The testimonies were fabulous, seeing all the different years catching up and celebrating being back together and praying with each other was beautiful.
Our current students were all there, and it was neat to see them get involved with some of the "greats" for Christ in Haiti...One pastor running for president, one who runs a whole mission, one who has a church in Venezula and in Columbia, and also several working in some of the poorest and most remote places in Haiti!
The only real downside of the day was that Lucner, our Academic Dean, has been feeling all the same stresses we've all been feeling and also working to help his 8-month-pregnant wife and had some car insurance issues this week, and had to leave the event half-way through and head for the hospital, vomiting with traces of blood.  

He checked out ok, and got on an iv (dehydrated) and ended up missing the whole day and resting in the hospital instead, which I think was exactly what he needed...tomorrow is Graduation, and that's his big event!
There was goat.  There was chicken.  Noodles, fried plantain, the works.
It took 10 ladies working in the kitchen to keep up with the 200 alumni and students, but as always, they completed the hundreds of little tasks with great joy and chatter.

Vilmer (the smiling one :) and his promotion from 2005.
Our very first class, and Matt's very favorite, still...promotion of 2007.
The most inspiring part, for me, was overhearing Vilmer talk to someone else.

"You know," he said, "That we all, all of us as Christians representing churches and groups of believers throughout Haiti and the world, we all get to thinking that we MUST have an American or a Canadian group helping us.  We think we have NO resources, and we go to America or Canada to be our resources.  But look around us!  What we see today is that we DO have MANY resources, right here, amongst ourselves.  We totally overlook each other.  WE must be, we should be, we CAN be, we would be BLESSED to be, each other's resources.  Days like today remind us how rich we are!"
I popped home for a few minutes at lunch time and found these four cuties praying for their lunch.  Lily, Ashline and Alexandra were singing through all their lunchtime prayers from school, and Sofie, as always, was just trying to copy...really sweet moment!

 We all are.  Incredibly rich.  Just with each other.
It's unbelievable to me how blessed we are to be so enriched by so many!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessed day! Hope you are able to get some much needed rest soon!
    And by the way, you look beautiful in your dress! Shoulder pads and all!

    Kathy (Sarah's friend) ;)
