
06 April 2013

if this isn't random, I don't know what is...

The rain is POURING down, the porch and roof are leaking, it was a HARD day for parenting at the Ayars house and a harder night ahead still for our Canadian friend who is now in labor at a clinic down the road.
poor dogs SO hate the rain

Matt's preaching at Belo's church in Flavil at 9 am, Mark and Sarah have Canadian friends' 2 kids sleeping over while Sarah's at the clinic, taking pictures, I have (no exaggeration) 45 tests and 50 homework assignments to grade before Monday, Claudin and his new wife came today to thank us for their wedding gift and brought us a HUGE bottle of Cremas (homemade goat milk/rum/cinnamon something that's a huge "souvenir" at weddings), all the money Bois-d'Homme-Bas could possibly need for a well has been spoken for (PTL!!), and my tow truck friend Ryan will be getting his cigars any day now.
I gave Ezechiel Carol's old laptop yesterday, and OH, Carol, I wish you could have had the joy of being there!  SO EXCITED. Lily has caught a cold, AGAIN, and made us all wear the bunny masks you sent, Aunt Lori, all day, and Sofie only had one accident today, which of course, was on ME.
Both girls, butt naked, finger-painted the life out of the paints you sent, Mols, and I have somehow managed to convince Matt that we should watch Pride and Prejudice tonight while I grade...grade...grade.  I made an apple pie yesterday out of rotting apples from the DR and can I just say that one day when we live in an apple country, I will never take them for granted again.  After two hours of trying to help Noel with her English homework tonight, I'm pretty sure some things just aren't meant to be.

Thankful for you!

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