
25 March 2013

Wood of the Low Humanity

Oh, friends.  I am SORRY.  It has been another crazy day...

We leave tomorrow at 8 am for OMS Haiti's annual spiritual retreat, so we spent a crazy day closing the books, finishing up at the Seminary, doing laundry, packing, washing dishes, and of course, saying good-bye to all of the many people who came to say good-bye to us, even though we're only going to be gone for four days...There is like no better way in Haiti to show you love someone than to greet or farwell them :)

We're excited to have our friends Charlie and Judi of NorthRidge Kansas joining us...Charlie will be speaking and we're looking forward to a good time of feeding and REST.

It's now 10:30, I am so beat, and a long day tomorrow is ahead.  

My heart is swimming with the Low People ...what they don't have ...what they do ...what I saw ...what to think ...what to do to pray...

I can't wait to share with you these next few days...but I am just to brain dead from these last few days and very little sleep to do any of it justice...Here's a few pictures to hold you over until I get there!!  
The voyage...Cap-Haitain, Milot, St. Raphael, DonDon, Pignon...and, after four hours on rocky roads, through rivers, and literally over mountains of NO roads...Bois d'Homme Bas.
The children who attend school in the church, 20 of them tuition paid for by one of YOU fine friends...
A generator and sound system was put in our truck hours earlier by what seemed like a random person, and when we got there, everyone was waiting to get it all hooked up for a special praise and worship service
It was SO dry in Bois d'Homme Bas that even a lot of the CACTI have died.  The only green things in the entire landscape were the mango trees and the sugar cane.
The tarp church of Bois d'Homme Bas...When Vilmer told me "a tarp church under a tree"...I was picturing a big old oak, giving shade and relief and structure...not the case.
One of the homes we spent time in, complete with a raised depot for feed and seeds due to major rat problems. 

Check back tomorrow...

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