
06 July 2012

the journey

Since we strongly believe that it's not just about the destination, but also how you get there (or as Matt's always saying, "the process has to be as glorifying as the outcome"), we always try to make some memories along the way!
We have safely arrived in Delaware after a super-long road, but were blessed by great time with family the past two days! (like Matt's Dora purse?)
First, we were SO excited to spend some good time with Dodo and Bubba.  (The fantastic couple who lived next door to us in a Haiti a few months a year for the past two years to help us!)  They drove down from Canada, and we met them in Pittsburgh.  
Lily had informed me that she planned to be quite shy, (Mommm!  It's how God MADE me!) , but the instant she saw Dodo across the lobby, she forgot all about that and charged into the arms of her terribly missed friend.  There were tears all around, and it was just so good to be back together!
"Doe" swam with the girls while we all caught up a bit, and they treated us to Max and Erma's and then we got to have breakfast together again this morning.  
It's hard to explain, but it's always relaxing to be with people who have lived in Haiti.  As Dorothy explained it, it's like 90% of people think you have rocks in your head for living in Haiti, so when you're with other people who have rocks in THEIR heads, you feel at home :)  
We also realized that for all the living together we have done, we've never actually seen each other outSIDE of Haiti, so all those sweltering nights we've shared eating rice and beans together and day-dreaming about ice cream and potato skins finally came true together these past few days...very fun!

John and Dorothy, thank you SO much for traveling internationally to see us yet again :), for a great time together, for the rocks in your head, and most, for loving us like you do.  (we don't get it.  that's ok.)

We ALSO got to spend some good time with my grandparents, whom the girls just truly adore.  Sofie is finally warming up, and there is just nothing Lily loves like a ride with grandpa (faster, grandpa, faster!) and a walk with grandma to feed the fish.
Sofie finally got to ride too, but was quickly booted off for pushing all the buttons and continually powering the chair down mid-motion.  
So thankful for this good time with my mom's parents, who still spoil us (as grandparent's should!) and who love our girls...the only thing better than getting love from your grandparents is watching them give it to your children.
 Finally, did I mention that Matt FOUND my lost (under the van seat) camera from our camping trip!  Yay!  Here's a few...
Sofie decided she liked any activity that largely consisted of playing in the dirt, and after the huge storm...the mud.  She is SUCH a tomboy. 
Lily also had WAY more fun than we had expected, and decided she doesn't mind not being a princess for certain periods of time.  I guess she does live in Haiti, which is, frankly, a lot like camping all the time.
Matt and Adam soaked up the chance to do lots of manly things, like chopping things, burning things, and building things.

And finally, here's that, Diving-In-The-Tent-In-The-Middle-Of-A-Major-Storm-Is-So-Funny family picture I was so lamenting having lost!
Love my little family!  I know that one day I will look back on these days and just miss them terribly.  

Despite being tired about 99% of the time, all of the "why's?" and "are we there yets?", all the trips to the bathroom--always RIGHT when the food is served, sticky fruit snacks buried in my purse (bottomless pit), incessant teething, insanely dirty diapers, outfit changes every time Lily gets so much as ONE DROP of water on her, constant "Mama"s and never ending laundry, I'm trying to remember that!  

I'm so incredibly blessed to have two happy, healthy little girls and a fantastic husband, all three who love me...rough edges and all.

Praise the Lord for family...the family we were born with and the family that's been adopted along the journey!

1 comment:

  1. What a great read this was :) I loved it! So happy to see such great,beautiful people on here!
