
22 June 2012

made it!

If you tend to enjoy our blog as a part of your devotional life, this is not devotional :)  
As you can see, we made it to Kansas.  Traveling with two small children, one with the itches and one with a fever, after racking in >4 hours of sleep last night, proved amusing.  Top three of the day:

1)   Matt: "I need better underwear to fly in."

What does that even mean???

2)  Matt to Dad in a discussion about Stacey being overly frugal:  "Stacey, mother of compassion, pouring it out on every single person in Haiti ever day.  Until you get her to the market place.  Twenty-five cents for a cabbage?  I don't THINK so.  She'll take two thank you very much!"  Oh, man.  I was laughing so hard.  He might be right.

3)  Lily about a water fall display at an airport massage place:  "Look, a water fountain!  Where do you put the money in?"
Frugal, frumpy, flustered, fussy or fatigued, we are here, Sharon and Lily are at the grocery store (or the go-see store, according to Lily, whom I'm sure is getting terribly spoiled), Sofie is fussing through her fever and we are so happy to be in Sabetha!  This is only the third time we've been out here, but it's a special community and by the end of our trips we're always thinking...ooooh, we could do this Sabetha thing!

Sam and Cam, we feel kinda weird being in your corner of the world while you're in our corner of the world...wish you were here!


  1. I get it Matt... I've actually thought that same thing while in the scanner. :-)

  2. ENJOY! Just recently, my kiddos were talking about missing Sabetha! We loved our time with that group. :)
