
16 June 2012

catch up

Just to catch us up from the last few days...

Tuesday we drove to London, Ohio, to work on the books with our accountant/pastor/board member friend, Jerry.  He and I got to work out some QuickBook issues Emmaus has been having and to get ready for a new school year.
We did all that at Dave and Ann's, and then when we finished had a great time with their family and with Troy and Kristen's family (and with the Dingus's for a bit) cooking out, cathing up and watching the kids play.  It was Becca's 11th!
oh yeah.  That's a DQ ice cream cake!
Lily adored her time with Becca and Sarah, the food was fantastic, and better than anything was just the friendships.  This gang has just always greatly blessed us by being interested in, well...US.  They care about our lives and are happy to share theirs with us as well...just like so many of you!  We are just truly blessed, and had such a good time with them, clovers and all :)

The following night we had a truly wonderful time at New Promise Church in Kirtland, Ohio, where we were able to share with the youth group and with the adult meeting, and have a meal and dessert together.  I'd never been to New Promise, and we were thrilled to find such an interested, God-seeking and open group of believers there!  Thank you all, especially to Fran, for your warm welcome and hard work to prepare for us!
Then, Matt left Thursday for Wilmore, Kentucky, for a morning meeting Friday, a dinner meeting, and a game/meeting of golf in the middle.  He really enjoyed his time there with Dr. Bryan, Dr. Phil (watch for their session to be aired this fall...just kidding) and Dr. Smith, and the girls and I enjoyed some time with Aunt Lisa, playing bubbles and eating...
 you know!

Tomorrow we're to be blessed with the chance to be with our Livingston UMC family in Columbus!

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