
24 February 2012

photo catch up!

The students are in the hallway, waiting for classes to begin, arguing for and against the "once saved, always saved" theology.  I'm heading into an hour of English "current events", in which we'll be talking about the recent violence in Afghanistan.  At 9:30, we join other OMS Haiti missionaries in a full day of meetings.  Tomorrow morning, Director Bryan arrives.  Lily has been strictly informed that she MUST wear clothing today.


Here's some photos from the last few days of ministry and life:

 laundry day

The church Matt spoke at last weekend.

Leandre, Matt and Lorma (Lorma is the pastor here and 4th year student)

 Matt teaching at a Mardi Gras youth conference at Belony' church.


  1. I just love that even though you live a life set apart in a much more obvious way than us, you still have to make sure your child knows she has to wear clothing! Some things are universal!

  2. I bet the worship time was "rocking" at Lorma's church!

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