
20 January 2011

Prayers for the New Year

A new year and semester begins at Emmaus Biblical Seminary this weekend, with new students, old students, visiting professors and staff all joining us!  We will be thrilled to have everyone back and are anxious to hear a bit about what He has being doing through Emmaus this past month.  Please remember us in your prayers!

~Please be praying for the ongoing political instability in Haiti.
     We've stopped trying to figure out what in the world is going on.  Last week we anxiously asked some good Haitian/Puerto Rican/American friends of ours who have lived in Haiti for over 50 years what they thought about "all of this" that is happening.

     "Stacey, hunnie," the wife said, "You don't think.  You don't even think that anyone else is thinking.  It's Haiti.  You just wait and see."

     That seemed about right to us :)  So "wait and see" we are along with millions of others around us.

     I have a great peace in the midst of the almost bizarre and continually changing political tides that the Lord both KNOWS the plans of the rulers of earth, KNOWS what will be when all is said and done, AND holds the power in Haiti nonetheless.  "Uncertain future" doesn't equal "fear" if this is the case.

     Please keep praying for the many who don't know the Lord, for some kind of peace to come in the midst of all this, and for Godly leadership, even if only in the church!

~Please be praying for the new classes, new visiting professors and new students.

    Emmaus is blessed to have three new students joining us mid-year, three visiting professors joining us Saturday (one who has never been) and lots of new classes being offered.  My English classes alone have grown from 25 students total to 39 students total, I'm working through the syllabus for a new computer course, and Matt will be teaching a new advanced Greek Translations class.
     Wisdom literature, Theology of John Wesley, Contemporary Religion, Hermeneutics, Isaiah, Church History, Synoptic Gospels, 1st and 2nd Samuel, Pastoral Theology and several other classes are also being offered throughout the semester.

~Please be praying for the advancement of His kingdom in spite of political instability.

     Despite uncertain days ahead, our EBS staff is really praying that the classes, missions trips, evangelism efforts and church ministries planned for the months ahead will not be delayed or cancelled, but will be able to move forward for His glory.  Please be praying that the Lord would continue to kindle callings and movement in the student's hearts for ministry and their fellow man DESPITE the possible distractions of the times.

~Please continue to be praying for the good health of our families and the student's families.

     Despite continued battles throughout Northern Haiti with cholera, our staff and student body has continued to avoid illness.  Please pray for continued protection while everyone is traveling each day and week, and for continued vigilance against cholera.

~Please pray for my SEEP class, which begins again with the birth of Jesus this Saturday.

    After having to take several months off of the Saccanville Evangelical English Program due to Sophie, we are starting again this Saturday in the New Testament, working through the birth of Jesus again and then getting into his life and person in these following months.

Please be praying for this time that I have in front of 50 non-Christian members the surrounding communities to preach and teach His Word.  When we finish in April, every student will have heard the "whole truth of the Gospel" and continue to have the opportunity to answer His call for their lives.

~Praise the Lord for the help of TWO missionary families right now, helping to make all the visitors and daily upkeep of Emmaus possible.

~Praise the Lord for the growing relationship between our EBS community and the Saccanville community.  

     Students and staff are now working full-time in the Saccanville church, Bible studies, Sunday school, community Bible studies and community outreach, and the relationship is continuing to transform both Saccanville and Emmaus.

~Praise the Lord for His continued grip on Haiti. 

He who never grows weary and whose patience endures continues to be faithful to personally pursue Haiti.  We continue to see the Lord at work EVERY day in our lives and in the lives of those around us, which encourages us to persevere.

I once saw Ellen doing a skit about the news, in which she joked that the news, interlaced with commercials for anti-depressants, was enough to keep anyone down.  "Why don't they just get on there and say, 'EVERYTHING IS GETTING WORSE'" she joked.

It's not just Ellen that has noticed :)  The Bible makes it abundantly clear that the days of a Christian will be increasingly hard, with many of our fathers in the faith triumphantly finishing in persecution, torture, prison, loneliness and pain...and joy.  It's not SUPPOSED to be getting easier!  Life in Haiti and anywhere else isn't supposed to be getting "better" in a materialistic sense.

But we ARE supposed to be growing more faithful...more urgent...more devoted to Him.  If Paul, who as you will remember had a rather rough start, was 'shouting from the rooftops' of prison in the midst of hunger and trial and abuse to "rejoice in the Lord always!" as he preached to anyone in the cells around who would listen, then surely we can muster up the faith in HIS glory and power to joyfully, passionately and purely serve Him in the midst of hard days and hard times!

Please pray this for us and for the men and women at Emmaus, as we are praying for you!

THANK YOU for being a praying people.

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