
20 December 2010

so happy

Well, it's official.  Lisa is now Lisa Northam, and we were there :)  The wedding was beautiful, Lily and Lisa were both thrilled with their big day, they both danced the night away, and Lisa and Adam have arrived safely in Jamaica and Daddy, Matt, Lily and I have arrived safely in Ohio.

Between Matt officiating, being the maid of honor, and Lily...I did NOT get a lot of good pictures :(  We'll have better ones filtering in the days to come, but for all of the family and friends who were not able to make it, here's a few that I did catch.

 chilling, minutes before show-time

 Lisa and our brother, Matthew.  

 Lisa looked so fantastically glamorous and was difficult to realize that my 'baby sister' is all grown up.

Lily absolutely Danced-The-Night-Away.  She went nuts, swirling, jumping up and down, running through the electric slide...she did NOT want held, she did not want danced with, she did NOT want to quit...I swear she had more fun than anyone else at the reception.  She wouldn't quit playing with the other kids long enough to eat dinner, but then everyone and their brother gave her candy from the candy buffet table...I KNOW she ate at least 8 rock candy sticks.  

Lisa and Adam were thrilled to be married and thrilled with the wedding...THAT was the best part.  But the second best part was Lily...the night was finally over, she was covered in sugar, filthy, exhausted and two hours past her bedtime...but as we tucked her into her carseat for the ride home, she said something I've NEVER heard her say before....

"Mommy, I so happy."

We love you, Lis and Adam!  Congratulations!


  1. sounds like a great wedding but that last tid-bit - what a moment to really treasure!

  2. So happy it was a great day for everyone involved!

    Love you all..

  3. So happy it was a great day for everyone involved!

    Love you all..

  4. why do you have the cutest wee girl in the world!!looks like you had a great time, Have a lovely christmas. x

  5. Oh...that is SO adorable! Everyone looked beautiful and "so happy." May you guys be blessed this holiday season...Merry Christmas, miss you!
